; ; ; ;

Kiarash Alimi

Kiarash Alimi

ویرایش اطلاعات

Kiarash Alimi

Auctions participated by Kiarash Alimi

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Art Fairs participated by Kiarash Alimi

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Artworks of Kiarash Alimi

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PB28, PY35, PV19, PB29, PW6, PW4
2021 | PB28, PY35, PV19, PB29, PW6, PW4
120×180 cm
PW6, PW4, PY35, PR254, PG50
2021 | PW6, PW4, PY35, PR254, PG50
150×250 cm
PO73, PV19, PB29, PW6, PW4
2021 | PO73, PV19, PB29, PW6, PW4
100×160 cm
PB28, PB27, PV19, PW6, PW4
2021 | PB28, PB27, PV19, PW6, PW4
100×160 cm
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