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Ava Nasseriakbar

Ava Nasseriakbar

Ava Nasseriakbar


Born in 1987/6/25 Bachelor's degree: Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran Masters: Illustration,Visual Arts University Holding a group exhibition of paintings of Qajar flies in Tbilisi, Georgia Participate in the art market of Tehran University Selected work for the Dubai Shahnameh Reading Association Participate in the exhibition about preventing from child abuse under the name of Ghaem Bashak in Chahar Gallery Participate in the 11th exhibition of the wonderland group with the names of enduring figures in Elaheh Gallery Participate in the group exhibition of rush noise in Farda Gallery Participating in a group exhibition sense and mind reflection of Atashzad Gallery Participate in the group exhibition Javis in Golhaye Davoodi Gallery

Auctions participated by Ava Nasseriakbar

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Art Fairs participated by Ava Nasseriakbar

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Artworks of Ava Nasseriakbar

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