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Milad Akrami

Born in 1377, karaj, Iran


Milad Akrami was born in 1999 and was born in Karaj. Resident of Abyek city in Qazvin province. My interest in drawing and painting started at a young age when I entered school and I loved art from the very beginning of my life. During high school, I entered the field of experimental sciences by choosing a family, and I was not interested in experimental sciences. In the third year of high school, he changed his major (without passing pre-university) In 2017, after passing three drawing and painting exams, I received an international degree from the Ministry of Guidance in Tehran province. In 2018, I had an exhibition in Milad Tower, Tehran. Cyberspace was very professional in my work; Reach this level of art by seeing the works of the world's great designers and watching educational films.

Auctions participated by Milad Akrami

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