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Ramin Saeidian

Born in 1362, Tehran, Iran


Graduated from the Master of Art Research


Ramin Saeidian is a researcher and curator living in Tehran. Accordingly, in the spring of 2017, Saeidian established the Art Researcher platform as the basis for research in the visual and conceptual arts. He started his curatorial activity in the fall of 2017 with a photo collection of Kiarash Mosayebi Theater called "Sonata Wound" in the summer gallery of the House of Iranian Artists. He also heads the Research Department of the Platform 101. Platform 101 is active in the field of digital arts and supports young digital artists. Since the fall of 2019, Saeidian has become a member of the Honargardi Media Collection and shares his articles, discussions, and art critiques on the Honargardi Website. Sublimation is the title of a group exhibition curated by Saeidian in November 2019 with 8 artists at Aliha Gallery. Also, two years later, in October 2021, sublimation 02 went to the wall in Aliha Gallery with his supervision.

Group Exhibitions

2018, Definite moment, rooberoo mansion/Negar Gallery/Aliha Gallery/Gallery Four/Ariana Gallery Tehran & Matn Gallery Isfahan, Iran [Group photo]
2021, Glitch; Pixel Aesthetics, Kandovan Building; Pejman Foundation, Tehran, Iran [Video Art Group]

Exhibitions of Ramin Saeidian

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Auctions participated by Ramin Saeidian

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Art Fairs participated by Ramin Saeidian

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Artworks of Ramin Saeidian

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