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Yasaman Mousavi


Yasaman Moussavi is a visual artist and educator. She is a Ph.D. student in Art Education at the University of British Columbia.

Yasaman holds an MFA with two emphases in Painting and Printmaking from Texas Tech University, where she explored and developed her skills in papermaking, printmaking, and installation art.

In her art-based research project, Yasaman explores the ways in which art-making intervenes the established social relations in order to recover the embodied act of mapping and place-making as a constituent to build social bonding.

Her works have been displayed and published in many national and international solo and group exhibitions such as Juried International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Irving Arts Center, TX and A.I.R Gallery Biennial, Brooklyn, NY, among others.

She is a co-founder of Didaar Art Collective, a Chicago -based Iranian art community.

Auctions participated by Yasaman Mousavi

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Art Fairs participated by Yasaman Mousavi

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Artworks of Yasaman Mousavi

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