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Mohsen Zare

Born in 1359,


Mohsen Zare was born in 1980 in Shiraz, Iran.  He holds a degree in Graphic Arts from Soureh University. He has worked professionally in the graphics for over ten years. ‘Documents of War’ is the title of his fourth solo exhibition; he has held three solo exhibitions in the city of Shiraz with the last one being held at Narenj Gallery in 2015. During the past few years, he has participated in several group exhibitions in Tehran, Shiraz, Dubai, Germany and Australia. He has also been among the finalists of Magic of Persia’s list of artists and his works are part of collections such as: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Livingstone Museum in Zambia and private collections in India, Switzerland and USA.

Auctions participated by Mohsen Zare

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Art Fairs participated by Mohsen Zare

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Artworks of Mohsen Zare

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