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Mohammad Abbasi

Mohammad Abbasi

Mohammad Abbasi

Born in 1366,


education : 2010-2012 Graduate School of Painting , Tehran, Iran individual exhibition : "Where is the moment? " , "Homa ART Gallery, Tehran, Iran , 2018 Group Exhibitions: Painting group exhibition, Imam Ali Library, Negar House of Professor Amir Khani, March 2011, Karaj The Painting group exhibition entitled "Mental Spaces", MAN ART Gallery, July 2011, Tehran The Painting group exhibition titled "Mat", October 2011, Amol Exhibition of "Selected New Generation of Iranian Painters", Homa Gallery, January 2018, Tehran, Iran Painting group exhibition, Summer collection of Homa Gallery, July 2018, Tehran

Auctions participated by Mohammad Abbasi

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Art Fairs participated by Mohammad Abbasi

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