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Mahnaz Habibi

Mahnaz Habibi

Mahnaz Habibi

Born in 1352, Tehran, Iran


Assistant: Computer Graphics
Bachelor: Visual Communication
Masters: Art Research


Graduated from high school and outstanding student of Iranian Calligraphy Society


From childhood I was an art worker and I was doing painting and calligraphy at school. Since my 74th year as a cultural instructor, an official employee of the Intellectual Development Center for Children and Adolescents, I continued my career as a student of Professor Sadeghie Aziz and Professor Nouri Aziz Nastaliq and Nastaliq in the Iranian Calligraphy Association. Now I am also a student of Shabestari dear at the privileged period

Group Exhibitions

Art Gouver Exhibition in Persia Hotel Tehran, February 1397
New Season Exhibition in Najma Gallery, Tehran, March 1397

Other Activities

Participation in courses and festivals and artistic and cultural conferences of the Center for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents
Present at Workshops of Iranian Calligraphists Association

Auctions participated by Mahnaz Habibi

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Art Fairs participated by Mahnaz Habibi

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Artworks of Mahnaz Habibi

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