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Mania Jalali

Born in 1361, Tehran, Iran


My name is maniya, I think the images find their place on the paper not inside my imagination. Because the mind understands the process, not the vision. I believe that humans have the same stories but the difference is how they interpret the events in their mind. I am drawing my interpretation on the paper. My drawings are my internal world’s narration, It’s a dimension that I have been forgotten for so long, maybe since childhood, I had to listen to my inner voice to remember it again. If you look closely at my drawings, you will find a connection, whatever you feel when you look at them is your calling. You can narrate your own story from every impression you make out of the drawings.

Auctions participated by Mania Jalali

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Art Fairs participated by Mania Jalali

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Artworks of Mania Jalali

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Dance of tears
2022 | Dance of tears
100×120 cm
Front man, before her
2022 | Front man, before her
15×15 cm
2022 | observer
15×15 cm
2022 | PridfuL
15×15 cm
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