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Golrokh Bakhshi

Golrokh Bakhshi

Golrokh Bakhshi

Born in 1370, Iran


Painting senior Student, Undergradute from Islamic Azad university central branch Tehran faculty of Art & Architecture


In a spread of colours and a lyrical configuration in a mild balanced colours and grey tones, Golrokh Bakhshi experiences and abstract figures. She creates shapes which are not recognised in comparison to natural figures. She merely enjoys allogorical unnatural colours and forms in her own self expressions. Thus an instinct searching improvision, a self motivated potent strength, random presentations of colours, forms and sketches are created. There are no subjects in her imaginative works. She makes attempts to transfer her emotions by using surfaces, colours, shapes and free brush lines. She does not represent anything, neither imitates nor assimilates anything. But she displays any poetic lyrical outlook in a personal brevity as simple as possible which persues a vague concept. In general, some intuitive abstract concepts, brilliant colours, disciplines and equilibrium are signified by means of paint stains which form bidimensional surfaces enjoying an infinite depth carrying along the observers' an the addressee's minds as well. Omidi 2019

Solo Exhibitions

Solo painting exhibition at the White Line gallery.

Group Exhibitions

2019, Group painting exhibitions at the Entezami gallery.
2020, Group painting exhibition at the Palestine Museum of contemporary art.
2020, Group painting exhibition at the White Line gallery.

Auctions participated by Golrokh Bakhshi

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Art Fairs participated by Golrokh Bakhshi

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Artworks of Golrokh Bakhshi

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