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Amirhossein Kordestani

Amirhossein Kordestani

Amirhossein Kordestani

Born in 1378, torbat_e_jaam, iran


interior architect/tehran university of tehran


Amirhossein kordestani was born in 1378 in torbate e jam located in khorasan e razavi province.his great interest in painting made him always paint beside his non artistic activiteis. He learnt painting without any master and now deviates from realistic path and is more concerned with abstract and expressionism and by a sheer volume of color and mix of some materials he has been trying to make his art works tangible so his paintings can be touched as well as they can be seen.he intends to show the sense of disruption of colors and textures of a portrait and a figure. In most of his paintings he fades colors ,mixes colors or draws a red line on his work which makes us wonder if he is..

Group Exhibitions

art group exhobition reflection ,tehran entezami art gallery,2019
art group exhibition,tehran ,palestine museum of contemporaryart, 2019
art group exhobition reflection ,tehran entezami art gallery,2019
art group exhibition,tehran ,palestine museum of contemporaryart, 2019
Milad tower exhibition,tehran,2020
Armenia's 9th art exhibition-2019
Khial exhibition-tehran-niavaran gallery

Auctions participated by Amirhossein Kordestani

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Art Fairs participated by Amirhossein Kordestani

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Artworks of Amirhossein Kordestani

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