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Zahra Yaghoubi

Zahra Yaghoubi

Zahra Yaghoubi

Born in Tehran, Iran


M.A of religion philosophy


B.A of Translating English language
B.A of Teaching English language
M.A of religion philosophy


Zahrayaghoubi, born on Aug 1996. In recent years, after participating in numerous group exhibitions in Iran and abroad, using her expertise in the field and philosophical topics, she has created the concept of beautiful works. In addition to conceptual paintings on canvas, she also create works that feature traditional Chinese painting. Literature, especially Hafez's poems, has a great influence on the style of her works. Among his professors in the oil painting section, we can mention "Mohammad Hadi Fadavi" and in the water painting and Chinese painting section, "Ghazaleh Akhavan

Other Activities

Writing and publishing essays and articles about atheistic issues.

Exhibitions of Zahra Yaghoubi


Auctions participated by Zahra Yaghoubi

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Art Fairs participated by Zahra Yaghoubi

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Artworks of Zahra Yaghoubi

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