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Mahdieh Abolhasan

Born in 1359, Tehran, Iran


Mahdieh Abolhasan was born in 1980 in Tehran. She began Painting and Sculpturing as a child by attending courses at Kanoon. She continued very seriously to draw and paint by passing courses at Jahad e Daneshgahi. In 2009, she participated Farhad Gavzan`s drawing and paper art. Abolhasan is a member of the drawing house and till now she has one individual exhibition and 19 group exhibitions. Also, she has three performances and two environmental layouts. Moreover, she won the sixth annual persbook. In 2016, she had an exhibition of artist book in Spazionour gallery in Milan, Italy. Now, she works as a graphic designer for Tandis art magazine and other art books.
For many years she focuses on the drawing media. Since she is interested in sculpturing, paper is one of her main tools. She cuts papers and she draws based on the lines of the cutting papers, it is a few years that she works on the idea of drawing with more dimensions. She walks on the border between drawing and sculpting. Working with lines and papers and sticking levels together and sculpturing out of that, makes her works like a bridge between drawing and sculpturing. Her art works in her point of view are the developmental drawing. Mahdieh Abolhasan

Auctions participated by Mahdieh Abolhasan

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Art Fairs participated by Mahdieh Abolhasan

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Artworks of Mahdieh Abolhasan

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2017 | Abyss
65×80×80 cm
2015 | Sharp
15×30×40 cm
2015 | Nihilum
30×30×21 cm


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