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Shahpour Pouyan

Born in Iran - Death 1358


Shahpour Pouyan’s work is a commentary about power, domination and possession through the force of culture. His interest lies in singling out particular objects whose images captivate him, and by painting them he releases the feeling of anguish they create. Pouyan’s hooves are symbols for the aspiration of power, lonely beings with vain attempts at grandeur, which are faintly ridiculous, provoking mixed feelings of pity and contempt. The works draw their inspiration from Iranian miniatures with references to the cow as the symbol of power in the ancient cultures of Sumer, Babylon, Iran and Hinduism, emphasising the superego of male aggression throughout the centuries.

Auctions participated by Shahpour Pouyan

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Projectile 3
2011 | Projectile 3
Not Sold

Art Fairs participated by Shahpour Pouyan

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Artworks of Shahpour Pouyan

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2021 | Untitled
28×28×32 cm
2021 | Untitled
21×21×32 cm
Flying walls
2021 | Flying walls
8×123.5×193 cm
Monday Recollections of Muqarnas Dome 9
2021 | Monday Recollections of Muqarnas D ...
15×15×48 cm
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