; ; ; ;

Hanie Delecroix

Born in Tehran, Iran - Death 1353


Exile, the downgrading of social status, the calling into question of her identity, Hanieh has been through it all, as a child, when the Iranian revolution rattled the comfort of a family of lawyers.

In Paris she has sketched out a double culture, marrying the lapis-lazuli of Persia with the blue of France. Love at first sight occurred with Rose Issa, the principal trailblazer of the contemporary Arab and Iranian scene, and has enabled her to be included in numerous private collections, as well as that of the British Museum. 

Exhibitions of Hanie Delecroix

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Auctions participated by Hanie Delecroix

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Art Fairs participated by Hanie Delecroix

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Artworks of Hanie Delecroix

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L hallucination
2018 | L hallucination
98×187 cm
Principe du desir
2017 | Principe du desir
2×65×50 cm
Principoe de tendresse
2017 | Principoe de tendresse
2×65×50 cm
Principe du tendresse
2017 | Principe du tendresse
65×50 cm
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