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Nairy Baghramian

Nairy Baghramian

ویرایش اطلاعات

Nairy Baghramian

Born in 1350, Esfehan, Iran


Nairy Baghramian was born in Isfahan, Iran in 1971. She has lived and worked in Berlin since 1984. Baghramian's work comprises sculpture and installation often in reference to architecture and the human body. Her work addresses temporal, spatial and social relationships to language, history, and the present, with forms which materialize in response to contextual conditions or the premises of a given medium. These structures offer the possibility of an open and discursive dialogue in response to a site, or a freeing of the assigned relationship between an object and its meaning.

Auctions participated by Nairy Baghramian

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Art Fairs participated by Nairy Baghramian

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Artworks of Nairy Baghramian

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 Breath Holding Spell
2018 | Breath Holding Spell
85×70×102 cm
2018 | Dwindler_Pallor
69×53×244 cm
Dwindler Driftage
2018 | Dwindler Driftage
71×50.2×103 cm
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