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Samaneh Atef

Born in Bandarabbas, Iran


Born in Bandar Abbas in 1989, Samaneh Atef lives in Astane Ashrafiyeh in northern Iran. After studying computer science, she has been painting almost every day for the past 4 years especially when she is feeling depressed. She has defined herself as being very close to the life experience of Frida Khalo who drew to fight against her depression. The more she draws, the better she feels and when she's not painting she feels like something is lost. She uses different materials and techniques in her work.

The subjects of his work are personal, mainly women, angels, branched trees without foliage, a bouquet of human heads with articulated bodies. Particularly sensitive to the way women are treated in Iran, she tries to show the reality of their life.

Auctions participated by Samaneh Atef

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Art Fairs participated by Samaneh Atef

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Artworks of Samaneh Atef

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I am an iranian woman
2020 | I am an iranian woman
90×200 cm
2020 | Untitled
70×100 cm
2020 | Untitled
70×100 cm
2020 | Untitled
59×42 cm
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