; ; ; ;

Iman Rezai

Born in 1359, Shiraz, Iran


Iman Rezai
1981 Shiraz

2012 MA Fine Art, UdK, Berlin, Germany
2011 BA Fine Art, UdK, Berlin, Germany

2010 Fine Art, Musashino Art University, Tokio, Japan

2009 Fine Art, University of the Arts London, London, UK


Group Exhibitions
2022 “Dialogue with the Other”, Curated by Ali Nassir, O Gallery, Tehran, Iran

2020 “Spray III”, Alte Munze, Berlin, Germany
2019 “Spray Mountain", Berlin, Germany

2018 “Offbeat”, SchauFenster, Berlin, Germany 

2018 “That’s All Right Mama”, XXY-Room, Berlin, Germany 

2018 “Spray", VOODOO55 Art Sapce, Berlin, Germany 

2018 Lufthacken /Virtual /Robot p

2017 I Am e-Waste /Virtual p

2013 “QUAL & WAHL”, Kunstverein, Wolfsburg, Germany  

2012 “Cyber War”, Neue National Gallery /Virtual p

2012 “Illusion H2O”, von Marten, Berlin, Germany

2012 “1965 ,85°C”, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany

2012 “Die Guillotine”, Virtual p

2012 “Licht und Schatten”, Beta-Haus, Berlin, Germany 

2011 “Neu West Berlin”, Berlin, Germany

2011 “Connex”, Connex, Leipzig, Germany  

2011 “Veilchen”, Uferhallen, Berlin, Germany 

2011 “Bubble Projects”, Netherlands

2010 “MEETING POINT”, Forum Kunst und Architektur, Essen, Germany 

2010 "Artpoint", Bereznitsky Gallery, Donetsk, Ukraine

2010 Musashino Art Festival, MAU, Tokio, Japan

2010 “No Limit”, MAU, Tokio, Japan

2010 “MEETING POINT”, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin, Germany 

2010 “Dragonz, Come Out to Play”, Tapetenwerk, Leipzig, Germany 

2010 “Rough & Tough”, UdK, Berlin, Germany 

2010 “Forgotten Bar II”, Berlin, Germany 

2010 Kongress fur Anders, Hamburg 

2010 “Forgotten Bar I”, Berlin, Germany 

2010 “Hands and Friends II”, Pels Leusden, Berlin, Germany  

2010 “Hands and Friends I”, UdK, Berlin, Germany 

2009 “Nacht & Nebel”, Neukolln, Berlin, Germany

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Auctions participated by Iman Rezai


Art Fairs participated by Iman Rezai

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Artworks of Iman Rezai

67×50 cm
67×50 cm
67×50 cm
Wool Whine
2022 | Wool Whine
140×110 cm
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