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Gelare Khoshgozaran

Born in Tehran, Iran


Gelare Khoshgozaran (b. 1986, Tehran, Iran) works in the Mount Washington neighborhood of Los Angeles. Khoshgozaran received her BA in photography from University of Arts in Tehran, in 2009, and MFA from University of Southern California, in 2011. Recent solo exhibitions and performances include Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (2017); Human Resources, Los Angeles (2016); Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (2016); and the Queens Museum, Flushing, New York (2016). Her work has been included in group exhibitions and screenings at LAXART, Los Angeles (2017); Pori Art Museum, Finland (2015); and Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta (2013). She has had residencies at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tucson (2017), Echo Park Film Center (2017), Krannert Art Museum (2016), and Santa Fe Art Institute (2016). She is the recipient of an Art Matters Award (2017), a Rema Hort Mann Foundation grant (2016), The Andy Warhol Foundation Creative Capital Arts Writers Grant (2015), and a California Community Foundation Fellowship for Visual Arts, Emerging Artist Fellowship (2015).

Auctions participated by Gelare Khoshgozaran

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Art Fairs participated by Gelare Khoshgozaran

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Artworks of Gelare Khoshgozaran

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