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Afruz Amighi

Born in Tehran, Iran


Afruz Amighi is a sculptor and installation artist. Raised in New York city by Jewish and Zoroastrian parents, she completed her BA in political science at Barnard College at Columbia University, before going on to complete her MFA at New York University.

Afruz Amighi’s delicate abstract sculptures refer to a complex array of architectural sources: the meandering arabesques of Islamic mosques, the angular shapes of Gothic churches, the ornamentations of Manhattan Art Deco buildings and the urban landscape of Brooklyn, among others. Architecture in its various expressions is a medium for Amighi to investigate the way in which humans across cultures and ages build structures which reflectscommon ideals and aesthetic values in spite of the complexity and precariousness of society.

Afruz Amighi (born 1974, Iran) is the inaugural recipient of the Jameel Prize for Middle Eastern Contemporary Art awarded by the Victoria & Albert Museum in London in 2009. In 2011, she was granted the fellowship in sculpture by the New York Foundation for the Arts. In 2013, Amighi’s work was commissioned for the 55th Venice Biennale.  Her work is included in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, USA; the Houston Museum of Fine Art, TX, USA; The Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, USA; the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK and The Devi Foundation, New Delhi, India, among others. Amighi has exhibited her work in the United States, Europe and Asia. She currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Auctions participated by Afruz Amighi

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Art Fairs participated by Afruz Amighi

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