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Faezeh Hamami

Faezeh Hamami

Faezeh Hamami

Born in 1380, Varamin, Iran


Faezeh Hamami, an Iranian artist born in Varamin in 2002, continues to reside there. After different experiences over her childhood and adolescence, she began her professional painting career following enrollment in the conservatory and pursuit of studies in graphics. Her early sketches depict pigeons, capturing the essence of life and the artist herself. She furthered her studies in painting at Tehran University of Art at the undergraduate level, concurrently completing her education under the guidance of Alireza Jahormi. Her steadfast residence in Varamin significantly influences her choice of subject matter and artistic approach. Nevertheless, Faezeh is resolute in evolving her mindset. Through ”installation” and “stage photography”, she endeavors to craft a mental atmosphere and infuse a sense of sublimity and spirituality into reality. Each time, she seeks to transform the arranged space by selecting a new subject. Subsequently, she embarks on a new artistic path by portraying constructed spaces. Pigeons have consistently featured in Faezeh's diverse collections, with their inclusion in her works reflecting the themes she engages with. At times, pigeons symbolize traversing the past, at others, they represent a community, and occasionally, they embody the artist's presence as a woman in her works.

Auctions participated by Faezeh Hamami

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Art Fairs participated by Faezeh Hamami

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Artworks of Faezeh Hamami

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Would You Kiss My Hand?
2025 | Would You Kiss My Hand?
68×88 cm
Fa and Her Sky
2024 | Fa and Her Sky
100×150 cm
2024 | untitled
70×100 cm
2024 | untitled
50×70 cm
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