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Mehrdad Aboutalebi

Mehrdad Aboutalebi

Mehrdad Aboutalebi

Born in 1374, Qazvin, Iran


B.A in environment-Qazvin university

Solo Exhibitions

2024-solo exhibition-NORM HARMS-Estakhr art gallery,artibition projects

Group Exhibitions

2024-online group exhibition-Plasticity-artibition online
Group exhibition,Flower time,vista gallery,Tehran-2024
2023-Group exhibition,individual subscription,H gallery,Tehran
2023-online group exhibition-Inflection point-sateen festival
2021-Group exhibition,Transition,Iran artist forum,Tehran
2021-Group exhibition, Our dream, Hasht behesht gallery, Qazvin
2021-Group exhibition, Sateen visual arts annual, Central cultural center, Kish island
2021-Group exhibition, Sateen visual arts annual, Melli gallery, Tehran
2021-Group exhibition,Second annual meaningful functional,Iran artist forum,Tehran
2021-Group exhibition, In the language of fantasy, Idea gallery, Tehran

Auctions participated by Mehrdad Aboutalebi

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Art Fairs participated by Mehrdad Aboutalebi

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Artworks of Mehrdad Aboutalebi

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