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Aramesh Shahbazi

Born in 1360, Isfahan, Iran


B.A Law
M.A International Law
Ph. International Law
Master of Fine Arts


Aramesh Shahbazi is an Associate Professor at University and working on her recent project regarding the Status of Curating in Iran in recent decades from a comparative perspective. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions at various venues internationally, including Turkey (2019-2021), the U.S. (2020), and Bulgaria (2021). As an attorney at law and an artist, Aramesh strives to reconcile legal concepts and artistic expression in her work. Her material works often include chalk, watercolor, acrylic, and ink, and draw on her own experiences and observations. Her genre of painting is expressionism and sometimes abstract expressionism, and she enjoys painting landscapes with watercolor. She is also a member of the Center of Lawyers, Advisers and Experts of the Judiciary and has worked on several high-profile cases related to intellectual property and copyright law.

Auctions participated by Aramesh Shahbazi

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Art Fairs participated by Aramesh Shahbazi

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