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Rozita Nosrati

Rozita Nosrati

Rozita Nosrati

Born in 1367, Iran


Having completed her academic studies, which included work on faithful representations of nature, Rozita decided to dedicate a period of her professional life to researching and testing the use of different tools and materials. She then began to create works in a conceptual and objective manner using photos or any other visual resource, with a focus on drawing and printmaking. The fruits of this process were works which displayed a more imaginative atmosphere.

Currently working and living in Tehran, Rozita Nosrati was born in the city of Saghez in 1988. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Painting from Tehran University's College of Fine Arts and a Master's degree in Illustration from the University of Art. This is her third solo exhibition, her first with INJA Gallery. She has also taken part in more than 30 group exhibitions inside Iran and abroad.

Auctions participated by Rozita Nosrati

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Art Fairs participated by Rozita Nosrati

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Artworks of Rozita Nosrati

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2020 | Untitle
46×66 cm
2020 | Untitled
50×50 cm
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