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Katayoun Rouhi

Born in 1344,


Born in Iran on december 1965 Working and living in Paris
Education Graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Paris, painting section. Doctorate in Aesthetics and Sciences of Art from Paris I, Panthéon-sorbonne.
Solo Exhibition 2019: Shirin art Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2019: HCE Galerie, St Denis, France. 2018: Haleh Gallery, Munich, Germany. 2017: HCE Gallery Saint Denis, France. 2015: Shirin Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2013: AB Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland.

Auctions participated by Katayoun Rouhi

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Art Fairs participated by Katayoun Rouhi

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Artworks of Katayoun Rouhi

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Causa Sui
2020 | Causa Sui
40×120 cm
Causa Sui
2020 | Causa Sui
40×120 cm
Causa Sui
2020 | Causa Sui
40×120 cm
Causa Sui
2019 | Causa Sui
130×193 cm
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