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Zhaleh Akbari

Zhaleh Akbari

ویرایش اطلاعات

Zhaleh Akbari

Born in 1367, Shiraz, Iran



Jaleh Akbari was born in Shiraz in 1988 and holds a degree in Painting from the Art University of Semnan.


'Amidst' is Jaleh's first collaboration with INJA Gallery, and also her first solo exhibition. She has already taken part in more than 15 group exhibitions.


Jaleh is an artist who is directly influenced by her surroundings, showing this effect not through exact representation but rather with her own personal interpretations. Since last year, when she decided to begin work on this collection, she was forced to spend long periods of time in solitude, due to the conditions of the pandemic, having never experienced this volume of silence and isolation before. Her choice of colors was also completely spontaneous, even instinctive.


The presence of fountains in Jaleh's works is due to the joy and visual pleasure their form provided her with. She was initially drawn to one such image she had seen and photographed in Tehran's City Park.


Jaleh states, "The sight of ponds and fountains in the middle of parks and city squares has always brought me great joy. But this joy bears a repetitiveness and monotony which was similar to what I was experiencing those days. It was a process that would constantly repeat itself, with no change whatsoever, while also maintaining its positive emotional impact."

Auctions participated by Zhaleh Akbari

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Artworks of Zhaleh Akbari

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