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Mohammad Ramsheh

Mohammad Ramsheh

ویرایش اطلاعات

Mohammad Ramsheh

Born in 1373, tehran, iran



2018. Bachelor of Art. Painting. Faculty of Art and Architecture. Azad University. Tehran, Iran

2013. Art School Diploma. Graphic Design. Tehran School of Fine Arts. Tehran, Iran


2020. Episode 05 . Mohsen Gallery . Tehran . Iran

2019. 3x3 Projects “Distant Years”. O Gallery . Tehran . Iran

2019. Far Field Representations . Kerman Sanati Contemporary Art Museum

2019. Distant Years , 3x3 Project O gallery . Tehran . Iran

2018. Landscape . Aknoon Gallery . Isfahan . Iran

2018. Mount Quf “Second series”.Vartan Gallery . Tehran, Iran

2017. Selected Works of “6th Damunfar Biennial”. Mellat Gallery. Tehran, Iran

2017. “I Talk Pretty One Day”. Jorjani Gallery. Tehran, Iran

2017. “The Land of Nowhere”. 26 Gallery. Tehran, Iran

2016. “Don’t Look Directly”. Mohsen Gallery. Tehran, Iran

2015. Selected Works of “Montakhab-e Nasl-e No: 8th Edition”. Shirin Gallery. Tehran, Iran



2017. Participating Artist. Land Art Project in Ghavam-e Zang Desert. Art Direction by Pooya Aryanpour. Kashan, Iran

Auctions participated by Mohammad Ramsheh

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Art Fairs participated by Mohammad Ramsheh

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Artworks of Mohammad Ramsheh

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