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Sheyda Arabyazdi

Sheyda Arabyazdi

ویرایش اطلاعات

Sheyda Arabyazdi


Born in 1991, she lives and works in Iran as a visual artist.

Graphic Design Diploma (2009)

Bachelor degree in Painting . University of Art . Semnan-Iran

Group Exhibitions:

Versus Visual Arts Third Exhibition-  Iranian Artists Forum-  Tehran-  (2018)

Episod:02- Midday-  Mohsen gallery - Tehran (2017)

The 9th Annual “MONTAKHAB-E NASL-E NO” - Shirin gallery-  Tehran (2017 )

Perception - Fereshteh gallery-  Tehran (2017)

Damounfar biennial-  Pardis Mellat gallery- Tehran (2017)

The grays-  Delgosha gallery-  Tehran (2016)

+88-  Laleh gallery- Tehran (2013)

Exhibitions curated by Sheyda Arabyazdi


Auctions participated by Sheyda Arabyazdi

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Art Fairs participated by Sheyda Arabyazdi

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Artworks of Sheyda Arabyazdi

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