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Leila Seyyedzadeh

Leila Seyyedzadeh

ویرایش اطلاعات

Leila Seyyedzadeh

Born in 1365, Tehran, Iran


Leila Seyedzadeh is an Iranian interdisciplinary artist based in New York. Seyedzadeh’s work addresses imaginary landscapes and focuses on natural subjects such as mountains extracted from the subconscious. It is as if she is attaching pieces of her memories, and by doing so, she is destroying their meaning, thus creating a landscape immersed in placelessness.

Auctions participated by Leila Seyyedzadeh

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Art Fairs participated by Leila Seyyedzadeh

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Artworks of Leila Seyyedzadeh

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An absent view
2021 | An absent view
50.8×165.1 cm
The landscape of my voice
2019 | The landscape of my voice
34.29×177.8 cm


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