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Shahram Karimi

Shahram Karimi

ویرایش اطلاعات

Shahram Karimi

Born in 1336, Shiraz, Iran


Born in 1957, Iran, Shahram Karimi grew up in Shiraz. He is a self made artist who has been successful both in his own country and in the West. Karimi’s works have been exhibited in numerous countries ranging from Iran, Turkey, Germany, US, and Switzerland to name a few.

Shahram Karimi’s paintings portray the dilemma of the contemporary bicultural Iranian who seeks his historical and personal identity by wedding his personal past with contemporary form. Each one of Karimi’s paintings relates a fragment of his memories and national history, each a piece of his personal past. People, flowers, the ambience of an Iranian village stranded on his canvas bespeak of the past simplicity of Iran and yet in the remote corners of the same piece we often come across the depiction of a real historical event blended into the weaves of the artist’s canvas. Thus does the painter strive to unfold the dust of oblivion from his own memory and unveil the identity of the contemporary Iranian lost in a world of a much loved simple past and a fast tracking contemporary present that bears no relationship with the world of his childhood. This is where Karimi realizes the need for elements from his Iranian background and this is where he turns to Iranian poetry to thread it through his works and thereby to leave its mark.

The writings in his works are hard to read and are in fact only threads that rise out of the painting to join its various corners together and to leave the reader with the unforgettable remembrance of where it all stemmed from: the Persian poem that Iranians take such pride in and which to them is the single indivisible cultural element they all embrace. And yet the painter goes even further: the separate frames of memory he leaves in various corners of his work rise from his personal conscious and unconscious.

Karimi’s misty background greys and blues force the viewer to witness how what we see as memory still lives on in us to control, influence and shape our present. Shahram Karimi is presently living and working in Germany and the United States.

Auctions participated by Shahram Karimi

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The Poet's Home
2022 | The Poet's Home
200,000,000-300,000,000 Toman
2007 | Spring
25,000-35,000 Dollar
The musician
2010 | The musician
Not Sold
The Garden is my skin
2018 | The Garden is my skin
12,000-18,000 Euro
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Art Fairs participated by Shahram Karimi

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Artworks of Shahram Karimi

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Untitled 11
2023 | Untitled 11
136×145 cm
Untitled 16
2022 | Untitled 16
145×140 cm
The Poet's Home
2022 | The Poet's Home
120×220 cm
2021 | Untitled
103×94 cm
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