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Maryam Firuzi

Born in 1365,


Maryam Firuzi is a multimedia artist who works and lives in Tehran. Though her academic education was in Cinema (B.A) and Film Study (M.A), graduating from the Art University in Tehran in 2016, her field of artwork is not confined to filmmaking. She also works as a freelance art photographer and fine artist who likes to examine and experience the medium in which she is working. 

 Her Master’s thesis, which was selected as the best thesis of the year, 2015, “Self-reflexivity in Iranian Cinema”, was a theoretical effort to question the media before starting to create within it. Since then, such an approach has become a key characteristic of all of her artworks. Her last short film, “The Provisional Death of Bees”, has been selected by a dozen film festivals, and won many Iranian and international awards. 

Her first solo photography exhibition, “Reading for Tehran Streets”, is a combination of storytelling, poetry, and staged photography with social and cultural allusions in the form of staged photography; this collection won the Alfred Fried Peace Award in September 2018

Exhibitions curated by Maryam Firuzi


Auctions participated by Maryam Firuzi

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Art Fairs participated by Maryam Firuzi

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Artworks of Maryam Firuzi

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100×100 cm
Reading for Tehran Streets
2017 | Reading for Tehran Streets
120×80 cm


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