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Shahrzad Jahan

Born in 1373, Birjand, Iran

Solo Exhibitions

2021. “Blooming Lights”. O Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2017. “Foliage”. O Gallery. Tehran, Iran

Group Exhibitions

2021. “Back Hand”. Soo Contemporary. Tehran, Iran
2021. “Tales from Silk Road”. Baesianz. Online Screening.
2020. Bon-gah Art Book Fair: 3rd Edition. Bon-gah. Tehran, Iran
2020. “Floor Show”. Stanley Picker Gallery. London, UK
2020. “Resemblance”. Soo Contemporary. Tehran, Iran
2020. “Domain Material”. One Paved Court Gallery. London, UK
2020. “Day 163: The II Platform”. Kingston School of Art. London, UK
2019. Kut Art Book Fair. London, UK
2018. “Forced Empathy”. Stanley Picker Gallery. London, UK
2018. “Fluorescent: 2nd Edition”. Surface Space. Tehran, Iran
2015. “Woman from Afar”. Dena Gallery. Tehran, Iran

Auctions participated by Shahrzad Jahan

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Art Fairs participated by Shahrzad Jahan

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Artworks of Shahrzad Jahan

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