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Jalal Sepehr


Jalal Sepehr (born 1968) is a well-known Iranian photographer.  He began his career in photography in the 90s as an industrial photographer.  Later he started combining Persian historical and literary visual references in order to create his unique images. He is shown regularly in Iran and around the world.
Jalal Sepehr has exhibited in numerous cities and has won many prizes such as third place at Iranian Industrial Photography Festival in 2013, First and second place at Marine Photography Competition in 2004 and 2005, second place at PX3 Festival in France in 2009, Certificate of Honor at Peking Art Photography Festival in 2005, The Bulgarian Satire Festival in 2007 and 2009, first place at Postcard Photography Festival of Canada in 2007, second place at Shouka Kitchen Photography Festival in 2007 and first place at Employment Development Festival in 2010.  As well as holding regular photography courses and workshops, his works have been published in numerous books and publications worldwide.

Auctions participated by Jalal Sepehr

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Untitled from Water and Persian Rug Series
2004 | Untitled from Water and Persian Rug Series
1,000-1,500 Dollar
Untitled (from the Water and Persian Rug series)
2004 | Untitled (from the Water and Persian Rug series)
4,000-6,000 Dollar
From the Red Zone series
2012 | From the Red Zone series
100,000,000-140,000,000 Rial

Art Fairs participated by Jalal Sepehr

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Artworks of Jalal Sepehr

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Colour as Grey
2019 | Colour as Grey
100×67 cm
Dream Bridge
2018 | Dream Bridge
70×100 cm
From the Red Zone series
2012 | From the Red Zone series
100×150 cm
Untitled from Water and Persian Rug Series
2004 | Untitled from Water and Persian Ru ...
76.2×100 cm
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