; ; ; ;

Behrouz Majidi

Behrouz Majidi

ویرایش اطلاعات

Behrouz Majidi

Born in 1369,


Behrooz Majidi

Born in 1990


Solo Exhibition

2020- "Surrounded Sphere2, the City", e1 Art Gallery Painting Exhibition, Tehran

2019- "Surrounded Sphere", Painting Exhibition of e1 Art Gallery, Tehran


Group exhibition

2019- "Visual Exhibition of the City", Pardis Mellat Gallery - Tehran

2018- "Iran {-40}", Palazzo BASTOGI Museum, Florence - Italy

2017- "Fluorescent 1", Surface Art Space - Iranshahr Gallery - Tehran

2017- "Fluorescent 2", Surface Art Space - Iranshahr Gallery - Tehran

2017 - "From Nature" - Shokouh Gallery - Tehran

2017- Versus Visual Arts, Third Exhibition - Iran Artists House - Tehran



2016- Getting appreciation in 9th Fajr International Festival of Visual Arts


2010-2011-2012-2013 - Getting appreciation in Youth Festival of Visual Arts, Iran

Auctions participated by Behrouz Majidi

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Art Fairs participated by Behrouz Majidi

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Artworks of Behrouz Majidi

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2023 | Untitled
100×70 cm
2023 | Untitled
100×70 cm
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