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Farzaneh Vaziri tabar

Farzaneh Vaziri tabar

ویرایش اطلاعات

Farzaneh Vaziri tabar

Born in 1366, Yazd, Iran


Farzane Vaziritabar has obtained her Diploma in painting from Yazd Visual Arts school and her Bachelor in Sculpture and Master's degree in Art Studies from Teheran University. She is currently studying Public Art and artistic Strategies in Bauhaus University of Weimar in Germany. She has participated in individual and group exhibitions and won national and international prizes in the field of sculpture, installation and cartoon.

Auctions participated by Farzaneh Vaziri tabar

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Birth of Iron
2018 | Birth of Iron
150,000,000-200,000,000 rial

Art Fairs participated by Farzaneh Vaziri tabar

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Artworks of Farzaneh Vaziri tabar

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Birth of Iron
2018 | Birth of Iron
150×150 cm


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