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Sanaz Afshari

Born in 1363, Dezfoul, Iran


Master of Tehran University of Arts


Honorable member of the Contemporary Visual Arts Development Institute Holding two solo exhibitions and more than 20 group exhibitions inside Iran Several group exhibitions in England, Russia, Canada, France, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands and .... One of the 22 Mines Conference on the Hague Hague Moneline Conference The first Isfahan Artistic Expo and the Second Cultural and Art Festival Watch and the International Festival of Visual Arts of Human and Environment ... Painting in A5 Magazine and Wotisart Magazine London 2018 and print paintings, photography, posters in Baban Publishing Graphics and Design Works in Design (Black Lines) and International Electronic Callforert Magazine

Auctions participated by Sanaz Afshari

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Art Fairs participated by Sanaz Afshari

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Artworks of Sanaz Afshari

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