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Siah Armajani

Siah Armajani

ویرایش اطلاعات

Siah Armajani

Born in 1318, tehran, Iran - Death 1399

Auctions participated by Siah Armajani

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City Center # 7: The Lighthouse and Bridge Staten Island, New York
1997 | City Center # 7: The Lighthouse and Bridge Staten Island, New York
3,500-4,500 Dollar
Picture Window
1979 | Picture Window
8,000-12,000 Dollar
 Notations For Streets #40
1992 | Notations For Streets #40
6,000-8,000 Dollar
Bridge with Two Chairs: A poem by Wallace Stevens
Bridge with Two Chairs: A poem by Wallace Stevens
5,000-7,000 Dollar
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Art Fairs participated by Siah Armajani

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Artworks of Siah Armajani

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Seven Rooms of Hospitality: Room for Migrant Worker
2017 | Seven Rooms of Hospitality: Room f ...
Seven Rooms of Hospitality: Waiting Room for Refugees
2017 | Seven Rooms of Hospitality: Waitin ...
100 and One Dead Poets
2016 | 100 and One Dead Poets
101.6×426.7 cm
2013 | Bridge
70.3×40.6 cm
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