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Taraneh Hamidi iran

Taraneh Hamidi iran

Taraneh Hamidi iran

Born in 1359, Ardabil, Iran


Law Bachelor


Law Bachelor


I was born on 6 Mars 1981, in Ardabil, Iran. Law graduate.(Jurist) hen I was 15 years old, I studied for six months at the Art School of the Abbasi Museum in Tehran to learn the basic rules of painting, colors and lights, and for ten years I worked in the realism style, and gradually I turned to modern styles. After the age of 35, I started painting as a job, which I have loved it since I was a child. My work has made its way to several group galleries and I have received certificates and commendation plaques that were necessary for my artistic resume. After a while, I became a member of the Visual Arts Association of Alborz province. And one of my paintings, " from life to the symphony of the rain of stars," acceded to the fourth annual of the painting of the Alborz province, and that was a good progress for me. Making an individual gallery is not easy and usually has many troubles, but I succeeded to run my solo gallery with 27 works entitled "far, far away". All of my works are abstract and because of the abstraction I enjoy painting. My favorite technique is oil painting, and sometimes I go for other techniques. The style in which I work, and generally after the work is finished, can be analyzed to be a combination of abstract_expression_minimal and impression styles. And the truth is that my style is completely free and improvised! Regardless of any "ism"! I create my inner and imaginary worlds on canvas, and I expose them to the challenge of the minds of others. I usually write a few lines of poetry or text for my works. Emphasis on colors and textures play a key role in my works and I think my soul is the same as my works.

Other Activities

In this book, I have been interviewd as one of the successful women in the world.
“The Path Of The Modern Muses:
Read Real Life Advice From The Women Who Made It”
Interviews: Esmeralda kraja
interviewee: Taraneh Hamidi Iran
member of the Visual Arts Association of Alborz province

Auctions participated by Taraneh Hamidi iran

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Art Fairs participated by Taraneh Hamidi iran

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Artworks of Taraneh Hamidi iran

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