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Maryam Hosseinkhani

Maryam Hosseinkhani

ویرایش اطلاعات

Maryam Hosseinkhani

Born in 1363, Tehran, Iran


2013 BA / Painting / Art University- Tehran
2017 MA / Painting / Art University- Tehran

Solo Exhibitions

2019- "My Encasements"- Solo Exhibition- Vista Art Gallery- Tehran
2019- "My Encasements"- Solo Exhibition- Azad Gallery - Kerman

Group Exhibitions

2006- Group Drawing Exhibition- Baran Gallery- karaj
2008- The 2th Damonfar Festival- Niavaran Cultural Center- Tehran
2014- "Posht-e-Parchin-e-Khial"- Saba Gallery- Tehran
2014- "Utopia"- Vista Gallery- Tehran
2016- the 1th Jokal Festival- Mellat Gallery- Tehran
2018- the 3th Jokal Festival- Mellat Gallery- Tehran
2018- "Trends & Approaches in Contemporary Art 2d"- Mellat Gallery- Tehran
2018- Jokal Festival (selected)- Sales Gallery- Tehran

Auctions participated by Maryam Hosseinkhani

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Art Fairs participated by Maryam Hosseinkhani

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Artworks of Maryam Hosseinkhani

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