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Middle Eastern, Modern and Contemporary Art - online


روز پیش‌نمایش: 11/11/2020
روز حراج: 11/24/2020



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1979 | Bahman Mohasses
35,000-45,000 £
1989 | Farideh Lashaie
4,000-6,000 £
1958 | Hossein Zendehroudi
30,000-40,000 £
1981 | Hossein Zendehroudi
45,000-65,000 £
1969 | Hossein Zendehroudi
80,000-120,000 £
1970 | Hossein Zendehroudi
80,000-120,000 £
1978 | Masoud Arabshahi
80,000-120,000 £
2010 | Mohammad Ahsaie
40,000-60,000 £
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