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Sculpture, Installation, solo exhibition

05 Jul 2019 - 19 Jul 2019


Sometimes you look back over your life, and you see how clichés of living right have bound your hands and feet. It is you in the framework of life along with everything else that ties you to life with an invisible rope and restricts you. The day came when I decided to put things aside and cut myself off from all the prescribed joys and to start afresh; to live my dreams without any clichés. Life without borders! To be brave and leave my safety zone and go out and experience and find a new security, a dynamic safety zone in motion. Someplace far away, in a pure and untouched land, a place where I can throw away everything and be myself.

To build, using my hands, using my dreams from the heart of the earth.

That day I had no image of where I am today. That was the day I left to be free.

I had to put aside my habits, and also relearn my beliefs.

To begin life with the sunrise and end it with the sunset. To create pottery that showed my rekindled friendship with nature and also my imagination.

Soraya Kiani


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