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The Probably Truth

Curated by: Asieh Salimian

Multimedia, group exhibition

23 Aug 2019 - 06 Sep 2019


"Probable Truth"

In the current century, power has no meaning except capital accumulation and political influence. Thus, by considering the chaos and devastation of the global economy, it must be expected that those people who have a better and thorough understanding of the ways for economic influence and world trade leadership, will be able to take the fate of human societies. These conditions provide an appropriate context for the sudden emergence of those politicians who have populist charisma and are able to enchant the mass of the people. The influence of populism and approach to appeal to ordinary people belongs to the twenty-first century. With the advent of media and social networks, the motive engine of populism has rapidly gained the power and time to use this new tool in order to achieve its goals. For example, the advertising team of "Trump" as a phenomenon, gathered enormous information about the voters in a cyber space, and managed to send unique and specific messages to small groups by targeting their social identities, and give them the feeling that their presence will win their votes and beliefs in major national and global decisions.

The exhibition " Probable Truth " in collaboration with a group of international and Iranian artists will be held in Tehran in September, 2019. The exhibition reflects individual and social identity in relation to the digital revolution. The electronic revolution, which has begun in 1990 and will come to an end around 2030, is expected to bring a perfect fusion between real and virtual worlds.

With the expansion of electronic processes, we can no longer imagine a contemporary society without relying on and utilizing the global Internet network. Here, an individual that is exposed to "mass surveillance" is integrated into a particular form of society and is located in the infrastructure of information systems, data, business models and markets. In this regard, social media have created a new atmosphere of social activity by providing conditions for interconnection and sharing of information.

The media visualize hidden issues and beliefs, ideologies and discourses, with the deceptive proposition of "freedom of choice"; but in order to stabilize the power system, the media keep the activities in secret, or conceal fundamental values and structures. In fact, it must be said that the media, contrary to the common sense, do not mirror reality, but affect the social creation of reality. Since the media are the most comprehensive basis of production, reproduction and information in the new world, their themes can be considered as a powerful factor in the social world.

The production of cultural and media content is intimately linked to the establishment of power, in order to disseminate and promote the basic stabilizing rules in society alongside with the continuation and amplification of social inequalities.

Artists often explore the characteristics that determine our individual and social identity. They construct a sense of who we are as individuals, as a society, and critically reflect the understanding of “nation”. They question stereotypes and conventions while exploring aspects such as gender, race, ethnicity and cultural belonging. Our culture is informed by various forms of artistic and social practices , by technologies, politics, style, music, performance and the arts.

The artists of this exhibition in their artworks investigate the aspects of expansion and development of media influence in society and the social identity of people.

Asieh Salimian

May 2019


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