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The Color of Life

Painting, group exhibition

11 Oct 2019 - 16 Oct 2019


Shalman Gallery is proud to invite you to attend group watercolour painting exhibition “The colour of life” curating by Ladan MoshirFatemi on Friday October 11, 2019 from 4:00 to 8:30 p.m. | This exhibition will be continued until Wednesday October 16, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The artists in the exhibition statement describe their works as follows:
“Fall is coming and there are still the buds had no chance to flourish, the wishes trapped in hearts.
Thank God, the creator of beauty and light, for granting us the power of perception, vision and the ability of using our hands to create the water colour work to admire the lord's elegance.
Now, we are grateful to have this chance to spend our Mondays full of joy, love and happiness which has created by "The lovely Nasturtium" in such difficult days in our land.
How grateful (it is) to live magnificently and make the wishes come true."

The exhibition will feature paintings of the following artists:
MonirArab | Ladan Moshirfatemi | Jeiran Tavaloodi | Sarakhatoun Soleimani


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