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There is something flowing in my silence and unwittingness, and that something is me

Painting, Sculpture, solo exhibition

25 Oct 2019 - 26 Nov 2019
This exhibition has been extended.


· People who are free of genderism, racism and ethnicity, and are, therefore, wordly ... What are these people?
Restless, deranged and stable.

· For me “cat” means fun and funny

· Horseman

Man’s first means of transport and a tool for the advancement of man’s presence in nature and other civilizations. Horseman, the symbol of man’s progress in the universe.

Despite being of metal, Reza’s trees are real trees; fluttering, stable, erect and steady in an unsteady world.

In his sculptures two factors immediately attract the attention : First the ancient glamour, and secondly, the materials and substances used in the work. In these sculptural figures there is no trace of modern tools or materials of the today’s technological world. Even metals are absent, except in two cases. There is only plaster, mud and stone, all rooted in earth ; and then wood and inscriptions, which have great significance.

The great theme in most of Yarahmadi’s works are the poise and gracefulness of his cows. Cows which don’t produce milk or plow the earth. Cows which are genderless.

Reza’s cows traverse from the prehistory to history and to the present, not only to discuss with us the roots of our being but the reasons for our survival, and to soothe the wounds of the secluded human in the postmodern world.

One of the main concerns of the sculptor is the instability of the hurried world we have created.

For Yarahmadi sculpture is not a profession, rather life itself. He also draws and paints but always remains a sculptor.

It would not be wrong to seek Yarahmadi’s life, or even his spiritual world, in his sculptures, and to ask each one of them where we now stand in the artist’s mind and vision.

And the most incredible thing is that I don’t know many of Reza’s sculptures which would remain if their base was removed.

In looking at his sculptures I ask myself: Does our world continue to stand firmly, like that of the Greeks on the shoulders of the Atlas, and if not, when will it collapse?


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Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
Reza Yarmohamadi
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