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Painting, solo exhibition

01 Nov 2019 - 19 Nov 2019


We witness things around us everyday. We pass by them and barely notice them because they have become commonplace. Nevertheless, they are unique because they belong to the here and now; they belong to this particular geography and cannot be found anywhere else. I have fixated upon such views for years. In the current series I wanted to bring motion into my work, which I have done using the concept of wind. The figures are still, but wind flowing through the fabrics changes their shape, creating the sensation of movement; or at least this is what I intended it to do. I select my subjects based on instinct, and the reason I am drawn to the folds and creases of fabrics and their light and shadow, is a question I have no answer to.


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Shohreh Mehran
Shohreh Mehran
Shohreh Mehran
Shohreh Mehran


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