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The Amygdala quickly sends it's messages

Curated by: Fereydon Farbod

Photography, solo exhibition

13 Dec 2019 - 22 Dec 2019



With a sociological approach, the Series (the "amygdala" quickly sends its messages) deals with the culture of fear in contemporary life.
Fear is not just about the unknown, it also refers to a kind of danger-consciousness, emphasizing the role of the media in today's societies.
The danger-consciousnessis not only gained through personal experiences or second-hand information,But according to Ulrich Beck: It also comes from secondhand un-experience.
That is, human perception of what can happen around himself or herself , In other words, living with some kind of uncertainty.
SudabehVatanparast tells us about sense of uncertainty in the most secure place in the world, "home", with narrative and realistic images of her own life experience .
thus it deals with the biological function of the amygdalathe emotions center in the brain, Which, like a radar warns to us from any threat and somehow points to the fear process as a means of maintaining human survival.


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