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Painting, solo exhibition

14 Feb 2020 - 31 Mar 2020


Most of the ordinary moments of the world, in their coldness and muteness are important in the history. On one side fate changing seconds occur and at same moment, on the other side people spend their most ordinary moments. In this Twilight, Mehdi Farhadian lies in waiting to narrate the golden and solemn moments- and not necessarily the glorious ones- of history. In this deceit, he looks for forgotten and often under stated epics, and with the inflated anger of our times, gives them enormity and splendor; by questioning the event itself and by weaving another epic. In shadow of the enormity of events, he takes on a subject which is not normal but is normalized, and adds pomp and ceremony to it. After all He lives and works in a cultural context that adorns decadence and proudly displays it; fights bravely and decidedly, fails with dignity and pride and finally garnishes and glorifies death. This situation demands, -anonymously ordained from nowhere-, a glorified language; a grand language to show an extraordinary event albeit normalized.   
Excerpt from catalogue by Akram Ahmadi Tavan


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Mehdi Farhadian
Mehdi Farhadian


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