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Emotional Numbness

Curated by: Atefeh Khas Minoush Zomorodinia

group exhibition

18 Sep 2020 - 16 Oct 2020


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Women Eco Artists Dialog (WEAD) in collaboration with Platform 3 are pleased to announce Emotional Numbness: The impact of war on the human psyche and ecosystems. This exhibition focus is the impact of war on environments, and war’s effects on inhabitants of war zones. Recent escalating tensions between Iran and the United States is creating an increase in anxiety about potential war between these countries. Thus, the goal of the exhibition is to create a platform to share, meet, discuss, and cross borders, by exhibiting art. We believe art has the ability to affect perceptions, develop meaningful dialogue, and bring awareness about critical issues to the public.
 The exhibition features the anthropocene epoch, emphasising the impact of war all around the world as a matter of unlimited geographical boundaries. In which artists respond to the personal experiences of war directly, inherit from their families or as an environmental researcher. The exhibition includes a variety of works using different mediums representing the unprecedented time and references many challenges and issues as an impact of the war such as immigration, displacement, racial justice, history’s mistakes, human psyche and the invisible enemy Covid19.

Artists featured in the exhibition include: Alice Dubiel, Alicia Escott, Andree Singer Thompson , Annie Albagli, Artists Beyond Boundaries, Azin Seraj, Carol Newborg, Charmaine Lurch, Christina Bertea, Elizabeth Kenneday, Farzaneh Najafi, Gazelle Samizay & Labkhand Olfatmanesh, Gem Beila Rosenberg, Jeanne Wilkinson, Judith Selby Lang and Richard Lang, Kamala Platt, Katya Grokhovsky, Laura Phelps Rogers, Mana Salehi, Marguerite Elliot, Mary B. White, Michele Pred, Michelle Echenique, Michelle Waters, Nadia Skordopoulou, Nanette Wylde, Nazli Abbaspour, Nooshin Nafici, Revital Katznelson, Rosie Pascoe, Roya Ebtehaj, Salma Arastu, Sara Madandar, Sharon Siskin, Shirin Khalatbari, Sholeh Asgari, Sue Hettmansperger, Tammy  West and Verona Fonte.


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