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group exhibition

02 Oct 2020 - 23 Oct 2020
This exhibition has been extended.


The collective group show, “Resemblance” is the study of the participating artists’ processes, through which we will explore the production and curation of art works, from conception to completion. In its entirety, the total number of participating artists will be crucial, in its ability to manufacture a collective from various styles and processes. Insofar as each artist’s individual works is important on its own, each piece plays a necessary part in shaping the collective. In a sense, a harmony takes shape through the coexistence between the similarities and dissimilarities of all the works. The goal of bringing together this group of artists is to emphasize the importance behind the artist’s subjective processes for production, while asking the audience to re-evalauate the necessity for the sterile completion of works. The process behind each work will be directed by the artists themselves, wherein each artist will show their works in the particular ways in which they see fit. The show will be displayed with little constraints in order to encourage and promote an active, free and inspiring environment within the gallery for the works to be displayed and observed.


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