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Nineteen Nights

Painting, solo exhibition

02 Oct 2020 - 23 Oct 2020


The idea of depicting trees illuminated by city lights had tempted me for many years. The most important concern I had in creating this collection was faithfully capturing how light and darkness playfully interact on trees and buildings and their windows during the waning moments of the day. I decided on Keshavarz Blvd as the location because I witnessed this playfulness on its buildings and trees during my daily commute.

I started in the summer of 2019. I would commence my work at nights when the light of day would begin to fade. I would go to Keshavarz Blvd and stay there till around 11 PM, sitting on its benches and painting. And then I would walk back to my studio when I was done.

Rozita Nosrati


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Rozita Nosrati
Rozita Nosrati
Rozita Nosrati


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